Welcome University of Wisconsin - WhitewaterStudents
ID Card Instructions:
- Please visit the Wellfleet website to download your insurance ID card, view your eligibility, claims history and track your deductibles and out of pocket maximums.
- Click here and follow the instructions to obtain your ID card.
- If you have any questions about your coverage or you need assistance retrieving your insurance ID number, please contact Wellfleet at 1-877- 657-5030 or by email at customerservice@wellfleetinsurance.com.
- To help you better understand basic insurance terms in the United States, we created an Insurance 101 document for you.
Welcome to the University of Wisconsin System Student Health Insurance Program. You have been directed to this website for more information about the sponsored University of Wisconsin System Student Health Insurance Plan.
The Plan is underwritten by Wellfleet Insurance Company.
Using the links to the left, you can view Plan information and download the Plan documents. Additionally, you can search for participating providers and learn more about added features or additional products that are available to you.