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Northeastern University J-1 Scholars

Provider Network Information

What is a Network Provider?

A Network Provider is a doctor, hospital or other health care provider that participates in the First Health Preferred Provider Network.

The advantage to using a Network Provider is that these providers have agreed to accept a predetermined fee or Preferred Allowance as payment for their services. Non-Network providers have not agreed to any prearranged fee schedule, therefore any charges in excess of the insurance payment may be the student’s responsibility. Consequently, when insured students use Network Providers, out-of-pocket expenses will be less because any applicable cost sharing will be based on a Preferred Allowance.

The insured person should be aware that Network Provider hospitals may be staffed with Non-Network providers. Receiving services or care from a Non-Network provider at a Network Provider hospital does not guarantee that all charges will be paid at the Network Provider level of benefits.

How do I find a Network Provider?

The easiest and most efficient way to find a First Health Network Provider is to contact them toll-free at 1-800-226-5116 or click the 'Search for Provider' button below.

Search for Provider

Network participation is subject to change, so please verify with the provider that they are participating in the network when making an appointment or at the time of service.