Gallagher Student Login
Your username is your Dominican University email address (e.g. john.smith@students.dominican.edu)
First Time Users: Your temporary password is your 5-digit, 6-digit or 7-digit Student ID #, adding two, three or four zeros to the beginning, making it a total of 9 digits. For example, if your Student ID # is '123456', you would add '000' to the beginning, making your temporary password '000123456' for a total of 9 digits. Upon logging in for the first time, you will be required to reset your password. Instructions to reset your password will be sent to your Dominican University email address. Once reset, you will be able to log in with your new password.
Returning Users: You were required to change your password when you logged in for the first time. If you have forgotten your password, please click the "Forgot Password" link and enter your username (email address). Instructions to reset your password will be sent to your Dominican University email address.
Parents: Click here for information on accessing your student's online account.
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- Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk
500 Victory Road, Quincy, MA 02171 - Fax